this is history of my life

Kamis, 27 September 2012


Iloveyou. Simple as that. but iloveyou more than you could ever understand about love. It’s not an ordinary love, i never know how it feels like Julliet loves her Romeo, Barbie loves her Ken, Hawa loves her Adam that much. never know how it feels to love someone like have to cross the ocean or even climb the mountain.. but now i know how it feels, since the 1st time i fall in love with you & when i tell you iloveyou it’s not just a habit or to make a conversation, i say it to remind you that you’re the best thing that ever happened to me. Dont ask me about the reason for me to love you because i dont even know how, when and why. All i know is you make me happy all the time, you make my heart beat faster n slower at the same time whenever i’m around with you. All i want is to be next to you, 24hrs like mcd delivery if possible:p to put my head on your shoulder and staring to your eyes are like magics for me. you're everything i want. You make me feel like i’m the luckiest girl in the world to have you.  You never fail to put a smile on my face. I always wake up with a big smile after reading your very simple “goodmorning”. Always hard to fall asleep cause i know the reality is more beautiful than my dream. Always missing you even though it hasn’t been more than a day or since i’ve last seen you.. and it’s all because of you, you succesfully make me fall in love with you, everyday dam..

I can’t promise you anything, but as long as we’re together i’ll try my best to make you happy. To put your needs before my own ‘cause ur happiness is more important than mine. As long as we’re in “US” i’ll always be there for you, no matter how hard the situation is. To make you feel better when you get problems. Maybe not to solve them, but just to make you feel that you’re not alone, you have me to share everythings, to hug you tight, and to be the one who love you the most.
i know things will change. Someday, somehow you’ll wake up and decide that you don’t love me anymore & u’ll suddenly forget about all those sweet words, those “iloveyou” every nights&mornings, those good times we’ve shared. Don’t ever tell me you won’t because i know you will. Just like that. and i'll never be ready for that day. But thankyou for being my exception. Exception of not believe in love anymore, exception of all the guys are the same. Maybe not forever, maybe just for a while. Cause unfortunetaly there’s no true forever in a relationship. But you know what? I hope you’ll be that exception, too.

There are a billion hopes from me for our relationship.. but most importantly, i hope our relationship won’t end as fast as the way we fall in love each other. Hope we’re still in love everyday & it’s getting bigger every single second. Well, I may not be your first love, first sight, first kiss, first date, first move but i just want to be your last. cause iloveyou 100% no doubt. It’s 100% pure love from my heart + i love everythings about you. Your smile, your smell, your eyes, your cheek, your hair, your half of nyamnyam’s spoon brain wkwk the point is, iloveyou!

Thankyou for making my life brighter, & please..don’t ever be the reason for me to let these tears fall, dam...<3 p="p">

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